A Games Bronies Play, Severn Bronies Meet and Severn Bronies Social

March Madness


So apparently the Boardroom is out of action for an unknown time SO we will assume the venue to be Birkett Tap unless I hear from Sandra that our usual venue is open again!

Now that’s out the way – COME ONE, COME ALL, join in the madness of March! (Marching Bands optional)

Bring yourselves, your friends, your plushies, your games, probably some wet weather and hot weather gear because who the hecc knows in the UK at this time of year!

Normal schedule will be in play even if the venue does change;

  • 11am – Premeet at Starbucks Temple Quay, Upstairs table (if we can get it!)
  • Midday – walk over to Birkett Tap via the harbourside and Castle Park (or direct via fire station/Bristol Bridge if the weather sucks!)
  • Middayish-5pm – Birkett Tap (or Boardroom if they reopen in time) for games and pizzas and socials
  • 5pm onwards – meet officially ends but feel free to stay longer and/or make your own plans for the evening

FOOD – if we are in Birkett Tap they serve food so please use that or eat elsewhere. If we are in Boardroom you have full access to St Nick’s Market and they’re happy for us to bring food in to the function room

KEEP AN EYE ON DISCORD – I will post an announcement on Discord if we change venue back to Boardroom. Keep an eye on Discord on the day of the meet for any other announcements, changes, etc

AND DON’T FORGET – The following Saturday will be FESTIVAL OF FRIENDSHIP in Southampton, so if you don’t already have tickets, go buy them and we’ll see y’all there too!!


  1. Starbucks Temple Quay

    1 The Square
    BS1 6DG
  2. The Birkett Tap

    The Birkett Tap Bristol
    Baldwin Street

