A Severn Bronies Meet and Severn Bronies Special
Severn Bronies Do Bristol Pride 2019

Pride season is upon us. Actually it’s been upon us for a while now, but this weekend it’s finally time for Bristol Pride, which is obviously the best one. We are meeting before 10am outside the ruins of St Peter’s church in Castle Park.
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As in previous years we’ll be doing the march, followed by a randomly coordinated series of events. In all likeliness we’ll grab some lunch after the march, before a group of us head up to the festival—this year at a much larger site up in Clifton.
Because the day is gonna be hectic and generally unplanned, we have a Telegram group set up for when we inevitably split up and/or get lost. https://t.me/joinchat/AWYHYRNHl4w8f6fsp-ytUA
Castle Park
Castle Park
Bristol BS1 3XB