Severn Bronies On Tour: BUCK!

BUCKcon is upon us! And with many of us headed there this year, we’re going to have an On Tour meet in Manchester!
The convention will be keeping us busy enough with all the events and such so we’re going to meet up the day beforehand to hang out, get some food and maybe play some mini golf or Laser Quest in the Trafford Centre.
Since people will be travelling on Friday to get to Manchester we’ll meet a bit later than usual to start with.
Meet plan
13:00 – 15:00 – Find somewhere to eat in the Trafford Centre
15:00 – 17:00 – Some kind of gaming maybe? Perhaps Cards Against Humanity, BUCK Legacy, or somewhere in the Trafford Centre like Laser Quest or mini golf
17:00 – whenever – Relax with some drinks, socialise, discuss miniature friendship equines etc.
For those attending who have bought tickets to the VIP events at BUCKcon such as the VIP meal and mini golf, keep an eye on time and on BUCKcon’s announcements to know when you’ll need to leave to go to those events.
Trafford Centre, Manchester
Manchester M17 8AA