The Raichenbow Fall

The return of Professor Jim Sombra. The crime of the century. Can Twilight Holmes possibly survive?
Meet Plan
1100–1200 Starbucks
We open at the usual place. Once more you are invited to consume caffeine in vast, almost inhuman quantities.
1200–1330 The Knight’s Templar
Some fun, some food, and one of your five beers a day – all in your local literally-around-the-corner public house.
1330–1630 Hydra Books
We return to our usual bookshop-cum-café haunt to make all sorts of magic happen.
Lauren Faust and Company’s Amazing Ponydrome
Ponies? Ponies! PONIES!
Episode viewing: Rainbow Falls
Rainbow Dash is busy being awesome in Ponyville but then Cloudsdale comes along and bes more awesome so Rainbow Dash is like “What do?” and lessons are learned.
Card Games on Chairs
As usual there will be an array of tabletop games such as BUCK: Legacy and Cards Against Humanity for you to play and possibly be offended by. We shall also be playing the brand spanking new My Little Pony: Collectable Card Game that has only just arrived in this country!
1630–1800 Forbidden Planet
We shall once more pay tribute to thine most divine goddess of geeky goods, by first overcoming the sordid trial of Mount Bristol.
My Little Pony: Collectible Card Game
Forbidden Planet have graciously offered us a couple of tables to hold a little play-around of the new MLP: CCG (which coincidentally is available for purchase at Forbidden Planet now!) Those unable or unwilling to join the meet for karaoke are free to stay at Forbidden Planet until close.
1800–2000 Karaoke (TBC)
In the first of our magical, resolutionary, unapologetically plastic meets we will be attempting to sing, preferably without destroying ears, eyes or bladders in the process.
The karaoke venue is 18+ only. It is recommended that those who plan to take part bring identification.
Starbucks Temple Quay
1 The Square