
A colophon is a short piece you might find at the back of some books, giving some details on the creation of the work. Here, we’ve done the same for our website. Check it.

The code

The Severn Bronies website is built on WordPress, using a custom made theme (that we named Plimsoll), which is itself built on top of Timber.

We use a slim handful of plugins: Advanced Custom Fields and the ACF Image Crop Add-on for managing the masses of meet metadata, Facebook Open Graph Meta Tags for WordPress for our shiny sharing images on social media, and Redirection for… redirections.

It was built by Kimberly Grey using Sublime Text, Flywheel’s Local, and the best darn terminal on earth, iTerm (with Oh My Zsh, obviously).

Our build process uses Fractal for prototyping, Theo for managing and exporting design tokens, the wonderful Sass for CSS compilation, Babel and Browserify to compile code that browsers don’t understand yet into something they do, and Gulp for making all of the above easier. Prettier is used to keep the code staying beautiful.

Hat tips to the following folks for contributing (knowingly or unknowingly) something that currently exists in our code base: Andreas Larsen, Eduardo Bouças, Harry Roberts, Jeremy Fields, John Albin Wilkins, Jonathan Snook, Miriam Suzanne, Nicolas Gallagher, Remy Sharp and Tim Knight.

The Severn Bronies website is hosted by Opalstack and automatically deployed via DeployHQ.

The design

Headings are set in Montserrat by Julieta Ulanovsky, Sol Matas, Juan Pablo del Peral and Jacques Le Bailly. Body text is set in IBM Plex. Both are hosted on Google Fonts.

The Severn Bronies logo was created in Adobe Illustrator and uses a bespoke modified version of Montserrat.

Some functionality is provided by third-party libraries and tools: Micromodal.js, normalize-scss, what-input.

The content

A great deal of the images used on this site are from Unsplash. Individual photographers are credited alongside their images.

Our meet updates are powered by MailChimp and our blog is hosted on Tumblr.

Super secret Twilight art by Mattia Basaglia.